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Thursday, July 28, 2005


Mellie Helen

Oooh, my tummy actually just growled as I read your recipe. Sounds delicious!!


Yummy yum yum! That sounds awesome! And I'm very impressed with your garlic too ;)


I am So glad you stopped by my blog the other day because if you hadn't, I'd've never found this awesome recipe for pesto!!! I just recently found I liked it...it's heavenly on, of all things, boiled potatoes! Thanks :-)


Oh yum.... mmm, I can taste it from here, yes here, in Melbourne Australia!!!!


Sorry, that is a post from me, Melody, not Monet!!!


Wow-good for you, Marie. You're quite the gardener. I am jealous!


FYI - I think that garlic is the easiest plant on the planet to grow... next to weeds, which I'm also very good at growing... I stuck the garlic cloves in the garden bed in the fall and covered them with straw. In the spring, I removed the straw, and the plants emerged. I cut off the curly-Q scapes once they sprouted, and then dug up the plants last weekend. Pretty impressive that you get such beautiful plants with basically zero work!!

Lucy Stern

Wow. This sounds awesome. I can't wait to try it. Your garlic looks great.

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